Stained Glass Quarries Designed by Philip Webb for Sandroyd, 1861
Stained glass quarries combined in a single panel, designed for Sandroyd by Philip Webb. Panel of six square stained glass quarries, three of which are decorated with foliate motifs, one with a magpie, one with a hen and chick, and one with a stylised oak tree bearing a lettered banner and flanked by the initials R.S.S. and the date 1861. Sandroyd was a studio house in Surrey designed in 1860 by Philip Webb for his friend the artist John Roddam Spencer Stanhope. These glass quarries were part of a larger panel set above the main staircase. In his designs for the birds Webb drew on his knowledge of fifteenth-century sources. See 'Philip Webb: pioneer of arts and crafts architecture' by Sheila Kirk (Chichester: Wiley-Academy, 2005).