Kelmscott Press Edition of Godefrey of Boloyne by William Caxton, 1893
Kelmscott Press printed edition "This new edition of William Caxton's Godefrey of Boloyne, done after the first edition, was corrected for the press by H. Halliday Sparling, and printed by me, William Morris, at The Kelmscott Press, Upper Mall, Hammersmith, in the County of Middlesex, and finished on the 27th day of April, 1893. Sold by William Morris, at the Kelmscott Press." -- colophon. A wedding gift from Mrs Morris to Mary Jane Tozer. Associated with a wedding present list, 2 photographs and 1 postcard within the collection (to be numbered separately). Reprinted from Caxton’s edition of 1481, a translation by William Caxton (ca. 1422-1491) from a French version of the 'Historia rerum in partibus transmarinis gestarum of Gulielmus'. This was the fifth and last of the Caxton reprints by the Kelmscott Press. Edited by Henry Halliday Sparling. William Morris designed an intricate title-page, numerous borders varying in size from side and corner units to half- and three-quarter borders. In addition, Morris drew six- and eight-line initials, most of them with floral or vine patterns. It was first announced in the press list dated December 1892. Printed in Troy type with list of chapter headings and and glossary in Chaucer type, in black and red. 300 on paper were sold at 6 guineas, 6 on vellum at 20 guineas, dated April 27, issued May 24, 1893. It was the first book published and sold at the Kelmscott Press with the new printer's mark. See: 'A note by William Morris on his aims in founding the Kelmscott Press; together with a short description of the Press' by S.C.Cockerell, and an annotated list of the books printed thereat. Reprinted by the Irish University Press, 1969 ISBN 716500248. See also 'William Morris', ed. Linda Parry. London: Philip Wilson in association with the V&A, 1998. P327. ISBN 0856674419 It was first announced in the press list dated December, 1892. Printed in Troy type, with list of chapter headings & glossary in Chaucer type. In black and red. 300 on paper were sold at at six guineas, 6 on vellum at 20 guineas. Dated April 27, issued May 24, 1893. It was the first book published and sold at the Kelmscott Press with the new printer’s mark. See 'A Note by William Morris on his aims in founding the Kelmscott Press: together with a short description of the Press' by S.C. Cockerell, and an annotated list of the books printed thereat (reprinted by Irish University Press, 1969, P. 31. SBN: 716500248). See also 'William Morris' ed. by Linda Perry (London: Philip Wilson in association with V&A, 1998, P.327. ISBN: 0856674419) and