A crewel-worked bed cover embroidered in wool in blue, red and green with an ogee knotted design enclosing flower sprays on camel wool lined in blue linen, worked mainly in stem stitch. The bedcover was designed by May Morris for Emery Walker’s wife, Mary Grace, when she was bedridden at the end of her life. It is similar in design to another bedcover, designed and embroidered by May and her mother, Jane for Kelmscott Manor in about 1910. It includes spring and summer flowers from the fields surrounding Kelmscott Manor, embroidered within a blue structure of knotwork compartments. The bed cover at Emery Walker’s House was used as the pall on Mary Grace Walker’s coffin in 1920, on Emery Walker’s in 1933, Dorothy Walker’s in 1963 and finally on Elizabeth de Haas’s coffin in 1999.

Record ID:02333
Dimensions:width — 121cm.
length — 260cm.